Friday, January 29, 2010

Playing High Quality Video on Nokia 5800

I think that the most of the owners of Nokia 5800 XpressMusic struggle to convert videos for their nice stunning mobile device, yet end up with failures. I have also struggled and researched a lot through the internet along with my own experiments. At last I was able to find the optimized conversion settings for the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic. Now I can convert videos to quality nHD (640x360) videos which can be played by 5800.

Don't cross your fingers.. :) It's easy to do this conversion without any difficulties. First thing is that finding a converter for this task. Super is a pretty good converter as an all-rounder. You can download the software for free with all the integrated codecs. Therefore, the one click installer will save the day.

Conversion Settings:
The above picture show the settings I used on Super converter. The video bit rate can be decreased even down to 1152 (may be lower) without noticeable loss in my Nokia 5800. But higher the bitrate it's higher the quality of the video. "High Quality", "Top Quality", "44K Audio" settings will also enhance the quality according to the converter's manual but I didn't try without them. You are welcome to do it and comment here. :)


Thilanka Niroshana said...

Cool!!! And you should also mention the size of the output file. Because when converting a video there are two main factors. The quality and the size. Keeping a solid balance between those two is the challenge. So if one was to address that issue, he will have to look at the content of the video. Whether it has rapid scene changes, the color changing interval (cartoon) and also the quality of the original video clip. (captured from TV with a lot of noise). By the way I know you must have gone through a lot of converting :) Good post and also nice to see some encouragement given to use an application that use open source programs. A good application by the way.

Kasun (කසුන්) said...

Thanks for the comment.

Yes I understand your point.

This potion (I have the whole film in my phone ~850 MB) of the video is from the "Hanna Montana The Movie". As I have mentioned, I used a higher bitrate for this. I guess that if I use a lower bitrate the file size will be lower too.

Anyway, I don't have a that much issue with the file size at the moment. Still experimenting the output containers, output video codecs with number of bitrates.

I will update you with the latest I have, of course with the file sizes.. ;)

Kasun (කසුන්) said...

Oh I forgot to ask you. What do you mean by "(Captured from TV with a lot of noise)"?

Thilanka Niroshana said...

It means when you capture from an analog input when the signal reception of the particular channel is poor. Obviously there will be a lot of noise(dots..).

Kasun (කසුන්) said...

well, do you mean captured from TV using its analog output or just screening? These videos were captured using a digital camera while the videos were played directly on the phone if it's what you wanted to know :)

May be you forgot that if I upload the original video you won't see the exact quality because your screen size is much higher than that of the phone and importantly youtube has its own conversion methods, which lowers the quality little bit (I have tried)

Thilanka Niroshana said...

I was just mentioning another point. :). I was talking about the analog thing yes. :)

admin said...

Thanks for that converter i have downloaded the same and will try to implement what you have said. Hope that will bring some improvement in the video quality of the phone.


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