Thursday, July 31, 2008

Disabling Textured Video Flickering

One way I've found to resolve the "flickering 3D windows" is to enabled the "Extra WM actions" and bind "toggle redirect" (I use R). When the app starts then you can toggle redirect and it'll run fine.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Proxy configuration in Kubuntu

Open up the terminal so we can edit a couple of files. Kate is just a text editor, use whatever you like, gedit, vim, whatever. This command will open apt.conf file in Kate as root.

$ sudo kate /etc/apt/apt.conf

Comment # out what is already there and add your proxy. Should look like below with your auth info:

#Acquire { http { Proxy 'false'; }; };
Acquire::http::Proxy "http://usern:";