Prior to that you have to create an application specific password for this authentication.
Follow the following steps OR use this link directly.
Manage your application specific passwords
- Go to
- Select 'Security' from left.
- Scroll down to '2-step verification' and select 'Manage your application specific passwords'.
- Enter a name for in the field and 'Generate password'
- Keep the generated password copied somewhere or in the memory.
- Go to 'Online Accounts' in Gnome and add your google account using your login password (not the generated one).
- Now go to 'Passwords and Keys' application (also know as Seahorse).
- Search for 'GOA google' and your specific account you just added above.
- Get properties and click show password.
- At the end of that string, you can find your password as "'password': <'your password'>". Replace 'your password' with the generated password above.
- That's it. You're done with the authentication.
Have fun!