Say that you want to install RHEL on a virtual machine in VirtualBox using the HTTP method (via network). Then you can setup a repository on your localhost using the first 4 of your 5 RHEL installation CDs and then add them to the local web server and access them through NAT in VirtualBox.
- After copying all the binaries (from first 4 CDs) to the preferred location, configure the httpd.conf located at /etc/httpd/conf/ (in Fedora 13) by assigning an alias to the copied location.
- eg:
Options Indexes
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
- Boot the virtual machine using the first RHEL cd and at the boot screen type "linux askmethod" (without quote) and press
- Select the HTTP method from the menu when asked
- Enter as the IP address and the alias as the location ("install" in this case)
- The installation should pick up the repository and you are good to go. :)
Good Luck!